
Creator Spotlight: Bronte Huskinson - Turn the Page on Real Life That’s Stranger Than Fiction...

Turn the page on real life that’s stranger than fiction...

October 10, 2021

Welcome to the ethereal, bookish realm of the very aptly named Bronte. Just like her literary namesakes, Bronte inhabits a world rich in mysterious, romantic content. Her sepia-toned Instagram grid tells a story of fiction, fairy tales and a finely-honed nostalgic eye. 

The story of Bronte’s creative awakening reads like something out of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. One chance encounter with the rabbit hole, a single hashtag saw her falling into a whole new world of design, imagination and inspirational content.

Like all the best fairy stories, there’s just a touch of darkness to the content that Bronte creates – rolling mists, lonely moors, hints of the supernatural. There’s transformation to be found as well, and if you scroll beyond the fringes of this carefully crafted kingdom, you’ll see the evolution of Bronte’s personal style. Palettes and presentation change, but the threads of creativity, playfulness and above all, narrative, stay consistent.

We caught up with Bronte to ask her a little more about her ongoing passion for storytelling, tabby cats and the whimsical online space that she inhabits so beautifully.

Hi Bronte, thanks so much for making time to speak with us. Could you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m Bronte but I’m known online as @frombeewithlove. I work full time as a content creator from my home in a small market town in Northamptonshire, England. I’m a lover of books, traveling and all things vintage. 

How did you get into content creation?

I originally started my account when I was 20 to help get me through a difficult break-up, as I needed a creative outlet. I came across the hashtag ‘bookstagram’ and it was a world I had never come across before – entire accounts dedicated to books! I soon discovered a passion that I never knew I had, and started creating flatlays of books. 

Over time, as I got more comfortable with the camera, I started incorporating myself into the photos and getting more creative with compositions beyond the flatlays. 

Since starting my account, I have tried on many different faces and many different styles of photography to figure out who I want to be. I think experimenting is so important when it comes to figuring out your own personal style – so I did a lot of it! 

Now, I focus on books and traveling to literary locations across the U.K. My work has a whimsical, ethereal, often romantic quality about it. I love my photos to have a storytelling element too and make the viewer feel as if something else is going on. I create fictional worlds and fairy tales, and invite people along for the ride. 

Could you tell us about a post you’ve created that makes you feel especially proud?

I’m most proud of this photo of me and my cat, Olive. I took inspiration from a renaissance painting I found online. I think I’m most proud of this one because I essentially created it out of nothing. I didn’t have a green curtain so I had to change the color of it. The blanket is a tablecloth, and the side table is actually a cat bed! There was a lot of improvisation that went with this photo, and I love how it came together in the end.

What’s next for you in terms of content creation?

Right now, I’m currently working on my content for the coming month and starting my autumn content. Autumn is my favourite season so I’m super excited to start incorporating it into my feed. It is the first time in a year and a half that I’ve travelled outside of Northamptonshire to shoot my content, so it has been so fun to be exploring again. I'm also planning all the other locations I will visit. 

I'm also creating my Creative Calendar for December, writing a blog post about choosing an editing style and working on a creativity course. 

Tell us about your workflow – how do you plan your posts? Where do you find inspiration? 

My general workflow tends to change depending on my mood and what is the most pressing. I usually create my content a month in advance, and pull it together in the span of a week. I’ll take my reels and write my blog posts as I go. 

I find inspiration from so many different places: books, films, other creators and Pinterest. I could be inspired by a particular scene in a film and want to go to the location, a line from a book, a place that I’ve seen another creator go, an outfit I saw on Pinterest… I always say that inspiration is everywhere. 

In terms of planning, I also like to pre-plan what my feed looks like, so I have a general idea – even though it does always end up changing! I’ll usually just use a photo of the location or scene I want to recreate until I can use my actual photos. I actually have the next three months already planned out!

Any dream projects that you’d love to have the chance to explore?

Gosh, I feel like I have SO many! I would absolutely love to partner with travel companies or hotels, as there are so many beautiful and unique ones across the UK. This one may be a bit far-fetched, but I would absolutely love to go and shoot at a filming set.

Producing the artwork for a book or film would be pretty amazing too. 

What's the best advice or tip that you’d like to share with other creators working around the world? 

Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things. As I mentioned, I have tried so many different styles in order to figure out who I am as a photographer and creator. It has actually taken me years to find my style as I started out so young!

Social media is all about having fun and trying things out. Find out what makes you and what you offer different, and do it with love and pride. 

Are you following any creators who you’d recommend to us? 

So many! I love @theslowtraveler, @prettylittlefawn, @brenandpip, @cosyfaerie and @aclotheshorse just to name a few!

Which emoji best describes you?


Thanks so much for telling us all about your creative process, plans and future dreams, Bronte. Where can our readers explore your content?


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